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Ban Bombs: Managing Public Comments in 2024


(Originally published in Knowledge Quest, May 14, 2024)

The problem

Across the country, many school and public libraries have seen a surge in intellectual freedom challenges — attempts to restrict or remove access to library resources. But this round of challenges doesn't follow the usual playbook of a single patron filling out a Request for Reconsideration for just one library resource. Instead, it looks more like this:

·       Ten to 15 people show up at a public board meeting and crowd into the slot for public comments.

·       They express (as opposed to submitting in writing) the desire to remove multiple titles, 20-30 at a time. And they request that the materials be removed while under review.

·       They read aloud the naughtiest bits they can find in the books they object to. The apparent complaint is language and sex. The books are repeatedly described as "obscene." But in fact, the content is almost always related to LGBTQ+ and race.

·       These context-free snippets often profoundly ignore or diminish the actual themes of the book. They also tend to lump all minors into "child" status —-- diminishing the intelligence or maturity of young readers.

·       They cite "parental rights" as a key concern — even when the attempt is to control what other parents and their children have access to.

·       They make threats: The board should be recalled, the superintendent/principal/classroom teachers/librarians should be fired, if not criminally charged with ... something.

·       They threaten library funding.

·       They record the meeting with their cellphones or free-standing cameras.

·       They conduct social media smear campaigns.

·       They may carry placards, signs, and sport buttons.

·       They may holler, hoot, whistle, and stamp their feet.

Like a photo bomb, this is a disruptive intrusion. We might call it a “ban bomb” — also disruptive, but with the intent of preventing others from having access to intellectual content.

To be clear, citizens have a right to protest, a right enshrined in the same First Amendment that informs library collections. But many public boards are used to no one showing up at all. When an angry mob descends, board members are often at a loss. They lose control of the meeting, and they lose control of a community narrative.

This article addresses some approaches to responding in a way that is both respectful and productive.

The role of public policies

Most (but not all) schools have a core set of policies to govern their basic mission and practice. Among these are:

·       The Library Bill of Rights (and interpretations). Originally adopted in 1939 by the American Library Association (ALA), this is the foundational document of intellectual freedom in librarianship. It asserts the intent to build collections regardless of origin, background, or views. It also asserts the right of a person to use the library regardless not only of origin, background, or views, but age. The most recent version, adopted by ALA in 2019, also asserts the right to privacy. (But note that the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act [FERPA] is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children's education records, and school library records are included.)

·       The Code of Professional Ethics. The code states that librarians should "resist all efforts to censor library resources." Further, librarians "should not allow our personal beliefs to interfere with fair representation of the aims of our institutions or the provision of access to their information resources."

·       A collection development policy. This document outlines what the library seeks to collect and why, including digital content. Usually, it includes a statement that the library buys materials that reflect current topics and concerns and represent many different points of view.

·       Programs & exhibits policies. These newer policies reflect the fact that many of today's challenges aren't about books at all.

·       Request for reconsideration protocols. Most libraries also have a request for reconsideration process. Its purpose is to acknowledge user concerns, and provide a thoughtful second look at purchasing decisions in the light of the entire work and the current policy framework.

Best practices for this protocol include the following:

·       The complaint must be in writing. This creates the paper trail: who is protesting, what their specific concerns might be, what alternatives, if any, are suggested. A letter to the editor, or a public statement, is insufficient to kick off the reconsideration.

·       The process includes all library resources--not just books.

·       The complainant must be a resident of the legal service area.

·       Items or resources will not be withdrawn while under reconsideration.

·       More and more often, reconsideration forms indicate that the patron must have examined the entire item, not just, for instance, a single panel in a graphic novel, or an isolated passage from a novel.

·       A committee, generally of library or school staff, review the whole item and relevant policy, then make a recommendation to an administrator about whether the resource should remain as it is, be restricted in some fashion (reclassified from children to adult, usually, or moved from elementary or middle school to high school), or removed altogether.

·       The administrator then makes a decision and communicates it to the original complainant. This usually includes an option to appeal the decision to a citizen governing board.

·       Some attorneys have advised library boards that an appeal does not mean policies can be ignored or changed on the fly. Rather, a board might simply ask if the protocol was followed. If the request for reconsideration was in writing, if it came from a resident of the legal service area, if a committee was formed, if they then reviewed the item and made a recommendation, and if the administrator accepted the recommendation and communicated it to the complainant, then there is no grounds for an appeal.

·       Finally, some libraries have placed a limit on either the number of challenges that one person may file within a time period (one per six- month period), or state that once an item has been reconsidered, it won't be taken up again for a period of (for instance) two years. Time is better spent on building the inventory, than buying new copies for all review committee members and taking them away from their library or instructional work.

Public comment policies and procedures

Some schools and public libraries are surprised to find out that there is a procedure hiding in their policy manuals. It just hasn't been used much.

Typical approaches include the following:

·       The person protesting a library resource identifies themselves with their name and either address or city of residence.

·       Each speaker is allotted some set period of time, often accompanied by a countdown buzzer or software timer. In my experience, three minutes is plenty. Some boards offer five minutes. The time doesn't matter except that it applies to everyone. Speakers can't give their time to someone else to extend their speaking time. However, speakers representing a larger group are often encouraged to select a spokesperson, with others simply saying, "I agree with that person."

·       Boards may set a total public comment time, stating, "We do have business to conduct today, but will allot 45 minutes of today's meeting for public comment. Those we don't get to will be invited to speak at our next meeting." Some boards may also choose to take some public comment at the outset of the meeting, then resume after other business is concluded.

·       Perhaps the most important protocol is this: The board shouldn't engage in conversation with the speakers. It's OK to ask clarifying questions (and that doesn't count against the speaker's time). But public comment is an opportunity for the board to listen. Where things go awry is when a speaker needles or asks inflammatory questions of a board member, who then responds angrily. Those exchanges wind up on Facebook or TikTok. Often, that's precisely the intent of the public comment.

·       Instead, no action should be taken during a meeting. A board may direct an administrator to investigate a claim and report at a subsequent meeting. On occasion, a board member may do some fact checking in real time. For instance, "The library does not in fact own this title." But it is under no obligation to do anything. Every comment doesn't require a response, other than a simple "Thank you."

·       No items or services should be pulled while an item or resource is being reviewed. Quite often, challengers will demand that every copy of a book should be pulled while it works its way through the reconsideration process. But this, like filing repeated challenges for the same titles, is just a strategy to remove access through process rather than official decision.

The goal of all the above is to simply provide good governance, rather than a reactive, shoot-from-the-hip approach.

It's vital to remember that public comment doesn't have to be a series of attacks. In fact, the best response to a surge of public challenges during board meetings may be to invite more people to speak, but on the library's behalf. It is not uncommon to find that one's community lines up with ALA research in 2022 showing that "more than seven in 10 voters (71%) oppose efforts to remove books from public libraries, with majorities of voters across party lines opposed." (Voters Oppose Book Bans in Libraries). Too often people talk only with those who agree with them. They think they're a majority. Having gay or minority students speak up about the value of materials that answer their questions or help them feel seen can be transformative for a community. Ultimately, censorship is best opposed not just by  courageous administrators and boards adhering to policy, but by communities that say, "This is not who we are. We reject censorship."


There have been some legislative attempts, universally (to date) the work of extreme conservatives, that not only seek to criminalize whole topics (such as LGBTQ+ materials in schools), but also threaten to punish the school librarians and classroom teachers who provide access to them. One example is a 2023 Mississippi bill ( 2023) that removed access to whole platforms of content, specifically Overdrive and Hoopla, for anyone under the age of 18.

Another example is Alabama's House Bill 385 (Alabama State Legislature), passed in 2024. It would allow anyone to write a letter to a school district superintendent or head librarian claiming a book is obscene. If the library failed to remove the materials within seven days, librarians would face a maximum punishment of one year in jail and a $6,000 fee.

Both examples — and there are many more — represent an attempt to use the power of the state to reject the First Amendment.

At the same time, progressives have led efforts, first in Illinois, then in California, now including Colorado, to pass legislation that both moves intellectual freedom policy into statute and protects librarians. At some point, one side or the other might set the matter before the U.S. Supreme Court. Until then, librarians will find an inconsistent patchwork of support or penalties for what used to be business as usual: making widespread and commercially produced products available to the public.

Purpose of Public Institutions

Some community members seek public drama and brouhaha. They live for the shot of adrenaline to the amygdala, the certainty that the Other Side Is Up to Something. Their outrage serves blatant partisanship, becoming part of a narrative that ends in fundraising appeals and voter campaigns.

But what they deserve, what all people deserve from local government, is thoughtful attention and measured responses. Public institutions have missions. Those missions should be made manifest by policy and practice.

Moreover, the public deserves meaningful conversation, balancing individual inquiry with social well-being.

At this moment in our national history we are also engaged in a deep shift in our own identity. It begins with the freedom to tell the stories of ourselves. Today, that requires passionate defenders and significant civic courage.


America’s intellectual freedom culture wars probably won’t be over any time soon. Meanwhile, library staff should always be on the lookout for champions. Who articulates — perhaps at school board or parent teacher meetings — the importance of the broadest possible exposure to literature and world events? Who respects the intelligence of younger readers, and believes the best diet for that intelligence is knowledge?

Building a network of supporters takes time and attention. It happens one conversation at a time. Once champions can be found, they may need some support. Provide the core intellectual freedom documents to them. Give them some talking points. Encourage them to talk to others to explore the issue. Help them find friends.

Libraries are themselves a compelling narrative. If we equip champions to advocate for the freedom to read and keep supporting them, many stories can be told. The bottom line is this: The battle usually goes to the best organized. Get organized.

Works Cited

Alabama State, Legislature. House Bill 385. Alabama State Legislature, 2 May 2024,

Villarreal, Daniel. “Mississippi’s new book-banning law denies minors access to e-books & audiobooks.” LGBTQ Nation,” 11 July 2023.

“Voters Oppose Book Bans in Libraries,” American Library Association, 2022,


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