On November 1, 2024, Alicia Gresley addressed housing from the angle of commuting and public transportation. (See Trick or Treat: the Economics of the Commute .) Her points were all well-made, but I wanted to expand on some related issues. At the end of last year, Garfield County Libraries staff interviewed 90 community leaders. We asked about and tallied recurrent concerns, and housing was top of the list. Leaders identified several big issues under that heading: Recruitment . The cost of housing (Garfield County is one of the least attainable in the nation) means that it can be very difficult to bring in outside talent with rich skills and relevant experience. Even if the pay is good, it's not good enough to cover a $1.2 million house. And if new employees have to find more affordable housing in the western part of the county, they may shy away from long and frustrating commutes. Retention . What many employers do, then, is to focus on finding and growing local talent. It happen...