In the last two months of 2023, 63 library staff (and 3 of our board members) interviewed some 90 “movers and shakers” in the community. These were people representing many sectors of our community: business, civic (as in civic clubs like Kiwanis, Lions, Optimists and Rotarians), education, elected, faith-based, government (non-elected), news/media, and not-for-profit. The preliminary list was generated by our own staff. Then we sent out our people to meet with them at their own place of business. We asked them five questions: What’s your story? That is, how did you come to be here at this time in your life? What motivates you? What drives you in your life or work? As you think about your constituents (the people you represent or serve), what do you think will be their key issues over the next 18-24 months? What are your aspirations for the community? Who else should we talk to? The intent of the questions was twofold. First, we wanted to have some sense of the backstory of community l...