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Showing posts from February, 2025

Author talk and book signing at Alpenglow

On March 12, I'll be doing a reading, Q&A and book signing (of On Censorship : A Public Librarian Examines Cancel Culture in the US ) at the Alpenglow Books, 720 Grand Ave Floor 1, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601. The schedule looks like this: 7-7:30 I read from On Censorship and talk about the book 7:30-7:45 Alpenglow will ask some questions 7:45-8 Audience Q&A 8-8:30 Book signing and socializing If you haven't been there yet, swing by. Alpenglow is a charming place with a surprisingly strong selection not only of books but of other gifts.

Making it easier for kids to love reading

In 2012 the Colorado State Library (CSL) studied how to encourage parents of 0-3 year-olds to develop daily habits of early literacy. Part of that was identifying barriers to library use. Local resident Sharon Morris (MLIS, Ph.D.) worked at CSL and was involved on the team. She spoke at our Feb. 6, 2025 board meeting and described a focus group with teen mothers. One mom said she didn’t take her children to the library because she couldn’t afford it. Sometimes they couldn’t get the books back on time. Sometimes a toddler damaged a book and it had to be replaced. They opted to stay away. The second mom said she got that. But she took her kids to the library anyhow. The programs were free. They could hang out and read there. Her hack: just don’t check anything out. The third mom looked knowingly at Sharon as if to say, “I’ve got this, sister.” Not to worry, said the mom. I check out books but I put them on a high shelf at home so the children can’t get to them. That way they can’t damage...

Being on a board: 10 tips

I think I have now sat on every side of the table. I’ve been a senior staff member giving reports to a board. I was a director working with an advisory board. I’m once again a director reporting to a statutory governing body. From the other side, I’ve been a nonprofit and governmental board member, secretary, treasurer, vice president and chair. It’s work. But it’s worth it. Like any other human endeavor, serving on a board isn’t easy, particularly at the beginning. But we all have to start somewhere and there’s no shame in not knowing how to do something you’ve never tried before. Eventually, though, we can and should learn how to get better. For those of you just joining a board, here are 10 suggestions for how to do a good job. Understand the mission of the organization . At the library, we promote literacy, the right of Americans to investigate the evidence and make up their own minds. Our job is to inform citizens and communities. It is not to protect them from things they may not...