Interesting conference. I've been tweeting at #nisoebook. Will come back later to add some of the big takeaways, but the main one is an obvious thing to get from a National Information Standards Organization conference: standards (file formats, accessibility guidelines) matter.
Just listened to Steve Paxhia, who gave a great snapshot about ebook adoption by various markets. The big thing here is that ebook adoption is still on the upswing, about 25% of market, and that they are active library users eager for more content. They read more than others.
And if I may opine here, I think they would like, very much, to be able to donate the books they've bought back to the library.
Just listened to Steve Paxhia, who gave a great snapshot about ebook adoption by various markets. The big thing here is that ebook adoption is still on the upswing, about 25% of market, and that they are active library users eager for more content. They read more than others.
And if I may opine here, I think they would like, very much, to be able to donate the books they've bought back to the library.