Both of these bits come from theTaxpayers for Public Education site. One of them is the results of the survey by Augenblick, Palaich, and Associates of "the climate of employees" of the district. It's not pretty. Brenda Smith, president of the Douglas County Federation of Teachers, writes, "Among employees there is a high level of dissatisfaction with district-level administration. Only 14% of the employees feel the District is moving in the right direction, a number that has steadily declined to a new low since 2007-08."
A second link tracks the money paid by the district to schools under the ill-fated voucher program. Not all of it has come back. See this spreadsheet for the current status.
A second link tracks the money paid by the district to schools under the ill-fated voucher program. Not all of it has come back. See this spreadsheet for the current status.